
Look Forward to See Where You’re Headed

Yesterday I wrote about looking back to see how far you've come. We've often made more progress than we realize.…

Charlene Dior

Look Back to See How Far You’ve Come

Life moves fast, yet slow. It's like traveling on an airplane. Look out the window and it looks like you're…

Charlene Dior

64 Finding Happiness in Life Quotes

Abraham Lincoln said, "Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be." You get to choose…

Charlene Dior

If It’s In You, Put it Out There.

I saw the title sentence in a magazine once. I cut it out and put it on my vision board.…

Charlene Dior

Mind Your Mind

It's no secret that your thoughts greatly shape your life. Lately I've been obsessing over my future. What does it…

Charlene Dior

Let Your Goals, Not Your Feelings, Determine Your Actions

I've been sitting here trying to write a blog post for today. I've challenged myself to blog everyday for 30…

Charlene Dior

43 Quotes That Will Inspire You to Finally Get Started

You'll never accomplish anything if you never get started. So many people talk a good game about what they want…

Charlene Dior

17 Quotes for When You’re Feeling Lost and Confused

At one point or another we all get confused. We all feel lost. We're confused about life. We're confused about…

Charlene Dior

Keep Your Head Up

In the famous words of the late Tupac Shakur, "Keep your head up." I live in Houston, TX. On August,…

Charlene Dior

Where Love Exists Beyond Romance

Yesterday I wrote a post, Minimize Decision-Making So You Can Achieve Your Goals. I shared the post on my social…

Charlene Dior