I recently wrote a blog post at LifewithLisaE.com called The Vision is for the Appointed Time. In it I write how we sometimes let our dream become our burden. We get weighed down and discouraged by our hopes and dreams. Having a big vision is a blessing, not a curse. Thinking big about our capabilities and our own worth is magical. A lot of people don’t have that. A lot of people live day to day with no thought about the future. Some people have simply given up on creating a vision for the future. What a blessing to those who still hold on to the vision!
You must enter to win! Simply leave me a message below telling me about the biggest vision your have for your life and why. That’s it!
I will choose a random winner Sunday, March 20th, 2016 at 6pm. May the odds be ever in your favor!
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Hi there! I guess right now my biggest vision is to reach women via my writing and speaking and have it be my full-time career. I'm at the point in my life where I'd hoped to be in full-time ministry, but never really took the plunge. This year, however, I feel more focused than I have been in quite a while and I can see where my corporate position is preparation, not a daily interruption.
Why do I want to do it? I honestly believe I'm called to it. In my early years, I did NOT see myself ministering to women. As a matter of fact, most of my closest friends were male and I liked it that way. I believe God transitioned my heart and my physical position before women and I truly enjoy it.
P.S. Thank you for such a thoughtful and insightful post on my site! Blessings to you!
My biggest vision for my life is to create wealth. Financial wealth, spiritual wealth, romantic wealth, peaceful wealth, purposeful wealth. You get the point! I just want to achieve all that God wants for me and all that He has placed in my heart. Why? I can't explain it. It's just something I feel drawn to.
Oh I've heard good things about that book! I'd say I just want to find my place in the world, a place where I can do the work that I love best.
Hmmm. I think my biggest the vision is to provide the best possible life for my kids. They are my why.