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You Deserve Some Credit « Personal Growth Blog and Coaching for Black Women

You Deserve Some Credit

I often see coaches and online gurus saying what we’re not doing right. We’re not grinding enough. We’re not investing enough. Our thought life is screwed up. We’re not growing enough. We’re not committed enough. I get it. Sometimes we need some tough love. A good coach or motivational guru will call you out on your stuff. Let’s not pretend we have it all together and there’s no room to grow when that’s clearly not the case. The tough love stance is necessary.

But it’s also equally important that people are given some credit. We’re doing some things right. We’re growing and stretching. We’re believing and pursuing. I don’t think credit is given nearly as much as it should be.

So allow me to be the good cop and let you know that you deserve some credit. To give credit means to acknowledge one’s accomplishments and efforts. It means, “I see you taking action, making moves, and handling your business.” It means what you’re doing or have done is simply amazing.

You deserve some credit for all that you have already accomplished. You deserve some credit for holding things together when they were on the verge of falling apart. You deserve some credit for believing in love again, for believing in happiness again, for believing in dreams again, for believing in wealth again, and for believing in life again.

I know you want more out of life. We all do. I’ve said many times before that our vision is a blessing not a burden. Wanting more means we’re still alive physically, mentally, and spiritually. The desires of your heart mean you’re still an active participant in this thing called life. That’s a beautiful place to be because so many people have checked out. They’re walking zombies, but not you. You still have dreams and desires.

And you deserve some credit for that.

You deserve credit for all that you do. Sure, you’re striving for more, but you deserve credit for what you’ve already created. You deserve some credit for the life you’ve built up onto this point. You deserve some credit for the house, the car, and the kids. You deserve credit for the weight loss, the business launch, the relationship repair, and the debt you’ve paid down. You deserve some credit for all your effort.

You’re doing a lot. You’ve achieved a lot. No matter how far you still have to go you deserve some credit for how far you’ve come. No matter how many times you’ve fallen off the wagon you deserve some credit for the many times you’ve gotten back on. No matter how many times you’ve passed up an opportunity to invest in yourself you deserve some credit for the times you have invested in yourself.

I just want you to know without a shadow of a doubt that you deserve some credit for all that you are, all that you’ve done and all that you will do and will become. Please never forget that. Never forget your accomplishments. Never downplay the effort you’ve put in.

Trust me you truly deserve the credit.


Charlene Dior: Blogger, author, podcast, investor, marketer, sister, daughter, pet mom, friend and Christian. Personal growth junkie who loves the idea that a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly! ? Grab my bestselling book From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transform the Life You Have into the Life You Love on Amazon! Available in paperback or as an ebook.