You Are The Miracle

Waterfall in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the gloom and doom of life. Turn on the TV or log into your favorite social media site and you are bound to see something horrific, unfortunate, and sad.
I happen to be super empathetic. It’s the blessing and the curse. When I see a heartbreaking disaster it weighs on me and has an adverse effect on my psyche. I try to avoid the news for that reason. If I want to live my life a certain way and achieve my dreams I have to protect my space. I have to preserve my peace of mind.
But I can’t completely avoid the news because bad news is sensationalized and travels fast. Someone is always sharing or reacting to an article I’d rather avoid and it shows up on my timeline. Or in the midst of casual conversation someone is guaranteed to ask, “Have you heard that story of such and such? It’s so sad.”
Yet, in all of the despair we are constantly exposed to we are living on a miracle. Who tells the waterfall to sparkle so majestically? And who tells rocks beneath the earth’s surface to color themselves in sapphire blues, emerald greens, and ruby reds? Likewise what beauty and wonder have my hands been equipped to create?
This earth is a miracle from corner to corner. That’s why I love traveling. Sometimes I just need to see a miracle, to know that life is beautiful and miraculous despite what the TV shows me. To know that the same Power that painted the oceans hues of magnificent blues and the sky rainbows of purples, pinks, and oranges handed me a paint brush of my own.
I too am the miracle.
You are the miracle.
Miracles strengthen our beliefs and give us hope. When the impossible becomes the possible it sends the signal that every other hopeless situation can triumph. Every dead end can be maneuvered into a view that is breathtaking. Every dream can manifest into reality.
Knowing that we are surrounded by miracles every single day is empowering. There’s still hope for dreams tucked inside of hearts. There’s still possibility for lives who made regretful decisions in the past. There’s still a chance that impossibles can transform into possibles.
Knowing that the same Power that filled the earth with miracles from corner to corner created me is liberating. I am free to be, to believe, and to create. I too am the miracle. You are the miracle. The impossible can become the possible through me (and you). Miraculous works and wonders can come to life through me (and you). Ideas can be birthed. Dreams can be brought to life. The skyline of my life, my family, my generation can be painted with my brush (and yours).
I am the miracle.
You are the miracle.
When life gets you down or when something gloom and doom settles in your heart seek out the miracle. You won’t have to search long or far. Miracles are everywhere. They are a plane ride away, an internet search away, a phone call away, or a breath away. Miracles are simply a glance in the mirror away.
Yes, you are one of life’s miracles.
Google defines miracle as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency”
Is that not you? Is that not me?
I am the miracle.
You are the miracle.