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A Prayer to be More Productive « Personal Growth Blog and Coaching for Black Women

A Prayer to be More Productive

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your word says the sluggish desires much and has nothing but the diligent shall be made fat. I have big dreams and a thousand ideas but sometimes I struggle with making the best use of my time. Most days I’d rather crash on the couch in front of the TV screen and drift away.  Laziness is literally my sin of choice.  But I don’t want to be lazy anymore.  I want to be like the diligent who shall be made fat. I want to be like the ant who prepares and gathers her harvest. Help me to develop a productive spirit. I can never accomplish my dreams or implement the thousands of ideas I have living a sluggish lifestyle.  I pray for your guidance and nudging when I’m being lazy. I know it won’t be easy.  Help me to develop new habits. Give me supernatural energy.  Please be my strength when I am weak.  I pray for your help to be a doer and a believer, not just a thinker. Guide me towards a more productive life for the rest of my life.

In Jesus name, Amen

Charlene Dior: Blogger, author, podcast, investor, marketer, sister, daughter, pet mom, friend and Christian. Personal growth junkie who loves the idea that a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly! ? Grab my bestselling book From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transform the Life You Have into the Life You Love on Amazon! Available in paperback or as an ebook.