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5 Truths When You Find Yourself Wondering What You're Going to Do « Personal Growth Blog and Coaching for Black Women

5 Truths When You Find Yourself Wondering What You’re Going to Do

I mentioned yesterday that one of my tenants abruptly decided to move out. She actually owns the house next door. It caught of fire so she needed somewhere else to live while she repaired the damage to her home. I’m guessing she didn’t have homeowners’ insurance. Any who, she wasn’t paying the property taxes on her house so she was on the verge of losing it. She couldn’t afford to pay the rent on my property and make payments to the county to save her house so she moved out.

So now I’m tasked with getting the house ready for the next tenant. Oh how I wish she stayed! All I can think of is the ca-billion things I have to do and how expensive it is going to be. It’s already been an expensive 12 months with this house. The roof had to be replaced at an expense of $8,000. There was a termite problem in January that ran $1,400.  Add to that a $600 plumbing issue just a few months ago and now no rental income. It feels so heavy. I wondered if I could handle this. “What am I going to do and how?” I’ve fretted.

Do you ever wonder what you’re going to do and how in the world you’re going to be able to do whatever it is?

I knew I would be going to the house bright and early this morning. Last night I prayed, “God, please let this go as smoothly as possible.” Don’t we all wish things could just go as smoothly as possible?! But they don’t. Here’s 5 truths I’ve come to learn when I find myself wondering how I’m going to tackle what I need to tackle.

1. When you care you care

I’m fretting over what to do and how to do it. I’m getting up way too early on a Saturday and spending the day working on the house. To the store to get batteries for the thermostat. Back to the store to get an air filter and putty to plug the hundreds of hole the tenant put in the wall. Replace the fire extinguisher the tenant used because she “was in the backyard barbecuing”. Just running around with still more to do. A lot more.

What I know is that I care. Everybody doesn’t care. I believe the next person who calls my house their home deserves a safe, comfortable, and functional home.  The stress and pressure I put on myself is simply because I care. Because I care I do the best that I can. I feel good about myself for being someone who cares. I find meaning and satisfaction knowing that I’m providing a livable space for someone to dwell. I’m no slum lord. I believe in what I’m doing even though it feels overwhelming at time.

So though something may feel overwhelming to you it’s an indication of what matters to you. Caring is not a bad thing. It’s a mark of distinction and character.

2. You always know what to do

Now I don’t always know what to do, but if I scratch my head long enough I will know what to do. Even those times when I have no idea what to do or how to do it I always figure it. In part because I care. See #1. When you care you figure it out. I don’t have to carry the weight of the uncertainty on my shoulders because I care enough to handle my business. I always know what to do. I’m smart. I’m resilient. I’m a go getter and a goal getter. And I’m a child of God. He goes before me and orders my steps.

The answers to my questions suddenly become clear when I accept this truth.

“What am I going to do?”

Figure it out.

“How am I going to do it?”

With God.

I trust myself to figure it out and I trust God to lead the way.

I can say the same for you. You always know what to do. You always have. I’m pretty sure of it. Even when you don’t know you will find out.

3. If it’s easy it’s not worth it

As much as I wish this would just go smoothly it can’t. It is par for the course that tenants will move out. It is par for the course that painting and repairs will have to be done when they do move out. It’s par for the course that there will be no rental income at times. But it’s also a reason why everybody can’t do this. It’s the reason why some start and then get out. This is tough, stressful, expensive business. But it’s also something I enjoy and something I believe in. Real estate has made more millionaires in this country than any other avenue. If I stick with this long enough I will be a millionaire (mark my words!).

So no it’s not easy, but I believe it’s worth it. Things that are easy are rarely worth it. You don’t really want to invest your time and energy in easy things. You won’t go for the things that will make something out of you and make something (as in millions) for you.

4. Breakdowns create breakthroughs

My goal is to build my real estate portfolio. I want to get into multi-unit properties. If I want more properties it’s going to be more expenses, more roof repairs, more last minute move outs, just more of everything. I’ve learned a lot in the last 12 months with all the breakdowns. These learnings I know are building me up. They are preparing me for the more I say I want. I am that much more able to make better decisions when it comes to investing because of my experiences. I’m being prepared for my breakthrough into multifamily homes.

What seems like a breakdown is really the setting up for a breakthrough. What seems like “I don’t know what to do” is really “I’m about to slay the dragon and reach for a bigger one.” Being broken down is a test. It’s a test that everyone has to take. It’s the test that separates the people who aren’t willing to roll up their sleeves and fight for what they want and those who do. I’m a fighter. I fight for what I want. I fight through the breakdown so that I am better prepared for the breakthrough.

5. You’re made of something

Whenever I’m faced with an overwhelming situation and I conquer it I learn more about who I am. I learn what I’m made of. And I can tell you unequivocally that I am made of something. I feel proud of myself for handling those things which I do not even believe I could handle. I’m proud of myself for not giving up and doing the dang thang. And when I conquer the unconquerable I learn to believe in me even more. I learn to believe in God even more. I know I am well able.

When you find yourself up against the wall remember who you are. Allow the experience to test you, stretch you, and grow you. Know that it is not for nothing. You will come out the other side better than ever. You will have more confidence, more faith, and more ability to live in your breakthrough.

Not knowing what you’re going to do or how you’re going to do it is a great place to be. You never come out the other side of it without knowing a little bit more of who you are, what you’re capable of, or what you really deserve.

Charlene Dior: Blogger, author, podcast, investor, marketer, sister, daughter, pet mom, friend and Christian. Personal growth junkie who loves the idea that a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly! ? Grab my bestselling book From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transform the Life You Have into the Life You Love on Amazon! Available in paperback or as an ebook.