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Advice For Black Women Entrepreneurs « Personal Growth Blog and Coaching for Black Women

Advice For Black Women Entrepreneurs

I recently volunteered to share a piece of wisdom in Black Women Rise Movement’s Black Woman CEO Wisdom Guide geared towards black women entrepreneurs.

My wisdom:


“Don’t worry about how long it’s taking. If you believe that there is a space in the world or in your community that needs to be filled and you’re the right person to fill it don’t limit yourself to a timeline.  Stay committed to filling the space and making the world better through your gifts no matter what.”

So many people embark on a journey to fill a particular space in the world, their neighborhood, their industry, their community or simply in their own life. Yet, when the road is longer than they thought and has more twists and turns than they imagined they give up. It doesn’t matter how long the road is. It doesn’t matter how many detours you come across. If you believe that you are capable and equipped to fill the space you have to fill it.

Imagine if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and other civil rights leaders said, “This is taking too long. I give up.” What impact would that have on the lives of millions of people including you and me?

Suppose cancer researchers got frustrated with all the setbacks and decided there’s nothing we can do about cancer? How many more people would have lost their fight against the deadly disease?

Jack Canfield said his proposal for Chicken Soup for the Soul was rejected over a hundred times. What if he and his partner said, “This must not be God’s will for my life”? Millions of lives wouldn’t have been changed. Jack and his partner wouldn’t have the wealth or opportunities they have available to them today.

Stop worrying about the time. There is no expiration date on dreams.  Accomplish what you set out in your heart to accomplish. Stay committed and never give up.

[bctt tweet=”There is no expiration date on dreams” username=”Charlene_Dior”]

Want to know what other black women entrepreneurs had to say about being a Black Woman CEO?

Get the Black Women Rise Movement’s Black Woman CEO Wisdom Guide.

It’s packed full of powerful insights and wisdom from 22 Black women entrepreneurs. Some of these CEO sisters have made the Inc. 500 list of fastest growing companies in America, generated over six-figures in revenue, traveled internationally to serve clients, and quit their full-time jobs thanks to their businesses.

The Black Woman CEO Wisdom Guide is a quality resource to add to your library. It’s only available until midnight today, December 29th.

Order your copy today, visit:

Charlene Dior: Blogger, author, podcast, investor, marketer, sister, daughter, pet mom, friend and Christian. Personal growth junkie who loves the idea that a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly! ? Grab my bestselling book From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transform the Life You Have into the Life You Love on Amazon! Available in paperback or as an ebook.