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FCTB008: Expand Your Vision to Expand Your Life « Personal Growth Blog and Coaching for Black Women
    Categories: Podcast

FCTB008: Expand Your Vision to Expand Your Life

As we start a new year, I believe that this subject I will be tackling on this week’s podcast is quite timely. Today, I will discuss vision, and the need to expand our visions to accommodate something greater into our lives. The new year is a great time as any to start planning, improving and envisioning our goals, short-term, and especially the long-term ones.

Oprah said that we must “Create the highest grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe”. This is something I have always believed in. People tend to slack off with their goals. In fact, research shows that most people will have abandoned their new year’s resolutions by February. When we do set goals they are often short-term, rarely long-term. You can accomplish so much more in the long run than you can in the short run. That’s why it’s important to train yourself to see further into the future. Expand your vision so you can expand your life.

In line with last week’s subject of personal growth, today, we understand the concept of expanding our vision and learn:

  • How expanding our vision gives way to us expanding our life (0:38), and what the bible says about not having and not asking (0:44).
  • Everything is created twice, that it must be perceived in our minds first and then materialize in our reality (0:55; 1:02).
  • How limited vision causes uninspired lives (1:10; 1:26).
  • My tips on how to expand our vision by:
  • Broadening our horizons and turning off the autopilot of our lives (1:57).
  • Setting long-term goals for the next 3, 5, even 10 years (4:55) with some stories I shared that made me realize and appreciate the vision I created for myself (6:58; 9:02).
  • Purposefully trying new things to get a new perspective on things and life (10:20).
  • Paying attention to our emotions as these can easily reveal the parts of our lives that need for us to think bigger and grander (12:14).
  • Bringing the vision to life by acting towards the vision (13:39).
  • Furthering it even more by doubling our visions (16:02).
  • A favorite Bible verse of mine that discusses vision and what it teaches us about pursuing our goals and vision (18:00).
  • How to keep patient and learn to wait when our visions are stalled inevitably (22:02).

I hope this episode inspires you to dream big and think big. I’d appreciate if you’d also share your thoughts on this subject, I’d love to hear from you!

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Charlene Dior: Blogger, author, podcast, investor, marketer, sister, daughter, pet mom, friend and Christian. Personal growth junkie who loves the idea that a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly! ? Grab my bestselling book From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transform the Life You Have into the Life You Love on Amazon! Available in paperback or as an ebook.