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The Most Important Vote You'll Ever Cast « Personal Growth Blog and Coaching for Black Women

The Most Important Vote You’ll Ever Cast

Today millions of people around the country are casting their vote for the next president of the United States of America. Whoever wins tonight’s election will lead our country for the next 4-8 years, maybe even less. Yet, this is not the most important vote you will ever cast.

The most important vote you will ever cast only has one person on the ballot. YOU. You are the you that will be with you beyond the next 4-8 years. You are the you that will be with you for the rest of your life. Your vote FOR YOU matters.

Every day we get to cast our vote for ourselves. We get to choose between life and death, love and hate, empowering thoughts and behaviors and self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. We get to choose between our dreams and our fears, our future and our past. Between more than enough and not enough. Between the current us and the future us.

What vote do you cast for yourself today and every day? Do you choose YOU?


Happy Election Day!

P.S. If you are ready to cast your vote for yourself and rediscover the magic and power of who you are I invite you to apply for a complimentary Rediscover You clarity call with me at

Charlene Dior: Blogger, author, podcast, investor, marketer, sister, daughter, pet mom, friend and Christian. Personal growth junkie who loves the idea that a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly! ? Grab my bestselling book From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transform the Life You Have into the Life You Love on Amazon! Available in paperback or as an ebook.