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How to Manifest Unlimited Opportunities « Personal Growth Blog and Coaching for Black Women

How to Manifest Unlimited Opportunities

A lot people believe that their life is the way it is because this is just the hand that they’ve been dealt. They never get any opportunities to change their life or achieve their dreams.

We mistakenly believe that opportunities are outside ourselves. We think an opportunity is an external happenstance that falls in our lap.

We hear the story of the supermodel who was perusing through the mall when an agent spotted her. There she was minding her own business never thinking of being a world famous model and the opportunity just presented itself. I don’t know about you but I walk through the mall not a whole lot, but enough. I’ve never been recruited into modeling and I think I’m pretty cute. 🙂

Those types of opportunities do happen but they are rare and you don’t have to passively sit by waiting on them. You can manifest unlimited opportunities for yourself when you change your understanding of where opportunities actually come from.

You have to FIND and FUND your own opportunities.

I had a great opportunity to go to Atlanta earlier this year. In fact, I told myself in January I would attend all of the live events that I could. I wanted to soak up knowledge from leaders in this space. I had a free ticket to Rosetta Thurman’s (founder of Happy Black Woman) Launch Your Business Bootcamp. Sure, the ticket was free, but I had to find Rosetta Thurman to began with. I had to fund my own plane ticket and my own hotel.

But it was worth it. I networked and fellowshipped with amazing women who share my values. I still have connections with some of those women even after returning to Houston.

In June, I had a great opportunity to attend Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within. It was such an amazing event. I cannot wait to go again. I was jumping up and down, screaming, and hugging strangers for three and a half days. It was beautiful. It was such an amazing opportunity that I had to find. I went to the Tony Robbins website. I searched for events and saw he was coming to Dallas just a four hour drive from Houston. Once I found it, I had to fund it for myself. If you know anything about Tony Robbins’ event you know they are a decent size investment. Quite the difference from the free ticket I received to Rosetta’s event. Additionally, I had to fund my own gas and my own hotel.

But again, it was worth it. It is now a part of me and the woman that is unraveling because of that experience takes my breath away. I love it!

In August, I had a life changing, awe-inspiring opportunity to go on a mission trip to Haiti with my church. I’ve wanted to go on a mission trip for years and finally the opportunity “presented” itself. I went searching on my church’s website. I found a mission trip I was interested in. I funded my own trip. Many of the girls hosted fundraisers and yard sales to find the funds to take advantage of the opportunity to go to Haiti. I had to find and fund my own opportunity to experience a mission trip.

And it was worth it. I almost want to cry just writing this, reflecting on the experience and feeling thankful for the opportunity.

This morning I had an amazing opportunity to speak on self awareness and authenticity for the Houston Women’s Group. It was a great opportunity to share my passion and knowledge around how we lose ourselves, how we can find ourselves, and how we can leverage self hypnosis as a tool to help us. I had such an amazing time. The feedback was stellar. The women are awesome. Connections were made that will support me going forward.

I had to find that opportunity. I went searching for a call for speakers on Google and submitted my topic. No one brought that opportunity to me. No one called me up and said, “Charlene, we’d love to have you come speak at our next event.” No, I had to find that opportunity.

Yet the time I spent seeking speaking opportunities was worth it. Today’s experience was great! It affirmed my beliefs and the need for my services. It boosted my confidence. It gave me great experience. I can’t wait until my next speaking engagement.

2016 has been filled with a lot of great opportunities for me. These are opportunities that I had to find and fund. I had to invest my time and money to manifest these opportunities. Every single one of them. It was so worth. This has been such an amazing year so far with more to come!

I accept responsibility for creating the opportunities that give me fulfillment and happiness and growth. When you accept that the opportunities that you are waiting for are waiting for you, you will begin to manifest unlimited opportunities. You will see opportunities everyday if you go find them. You will experience an abundance of life changing opportunities if you are willing to fund them.

It is time to change your definition of an opportunity. What opportunities can you find for yourself? Can you commit to funding them as well?


I’d like to present you with an opportunity. You don’t have to find it, because I’m sharing it with you. You don’t have to fund it, because I’m offering it to you as a complimentary gift. This is one of those rare opportunities that you don’t have to find or fund. It is one of the rare ones that fall in your lap.

Today, any and everyone who wants to take advantage of the opportunity I am presenting can sign up for a complimentary Transform Your Life clarity session with me at This is your last opportunity to get on my calendar this easily. I am in the process of implementing new selection criteria for who I will offer a complimentary clarity session with.

These sessions have been so popular and I can no longer accept everyone. I have to be more selective. This is your last chance to get on my calendar before my new selection process is implemented. Just to be fully transparent, once this new process launches you may not be chosen. You may not have the opportunity to speak with me. You don’t want to take that chance so reserve your spot now at


Charlene Dior: Blogger, author, podcast, investor, marketer, sister, daughter, pet mom, friend and Christian. Personal growth junkie who loves the idea that a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly! ? Grab my bestselling book From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transform the Life You Have into the Life You Love on Amazon! Available in paperback or as an ebook.