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FCTB011: Creating Balance and Setting Boundaries « Personal Growth Blog and Coaching for Black Women
    Categories: Podcast

FCTB011: Creating Balance and Setting Boundaries

In this episode, I am talking about balance and boundaries. The reason why I coupled these two concepts is because setting healthy boundaries usually is the way to achieve balance. Today, I will be defining these two concepts, the importance of each, and how balance and boundaries do not only impact our present condition but also help in defining our future. I’ll also include exercises and resources.You will learn how you can achieve balance in your life and be successful in setting your boundaries.

With how fast the world is right now, and how busy everyone seems to be, creating balance is one of those things that seem so elusive to accomplish. With how everyone is connected, and living online, setting boundaries can become quite problematic to do as well. That’s why this conversation is so important. Some of the topics I expound on in this episode are:

  • The definition of balance as envisioning the different facets of our daily lives – health, work, relationship, among others – as buckets that need filling in, and ensuring that all these buckets have something in them (1:04).
  • “Extremes are easy, strive for balance”: I cite Colin Wright on this quotation stating it is easy to focus one’s energy and attention on one or two buckets but is not necessarily how to have a fulfilling life (1:27).
  • People’s tendency to focus on the big thing, focusing and exerting all effort on that big thing, while neglecting other aspects of your life (3:31).
  • The inevitability of sacrifices and compromises along the way, that one must acknowledge and accept in their lives (4:12), and how doing otherwise – not being purposeful in how one is investing in each bucket, will have consequences (4:48).
  • A free resource/exercise called the Life Balance Wheel I designed to help individuals, it has different buckets that represent aspects of our lives, and I also define and delineate each of these buckets (5:50).
  • Completing the Life Balance Wheel based on your life (8:21), and the importance of continually updating your Life Balance wheel based on your current situation, your ideal and desired state, and the changes that happen in your life (9:01;14:30).
  • Determining the difference between the current and ideal state of your Life Balance Wheel, creating a plan to close the gaps, and how to gauge your pace or if there are needed improvements (11:18).
  • The significance of sharing this exercise with people, especially those important to you, or are impacted by your decisions (12:54).
  • The concept of boundaries as guidelines we set on how to interact with ourselves, the people around us and the rest of the world (16:18), and its importance (17:04).
  • How boundaries help individuals reclaim control, contribute in seeking the balance you desire (17:52), and an exercise on how to define our boundaries by listing down the things we say yes and no to (18:31).
  • How to communicate to people about the boundaries that we would like to set, and how to ensure they will respect those boundaries (20:30).
  • The concept of values and how this is the underlying principle that shapes both balance and boundaries (23:35).


Colin Wright – Author, Speaker, Traveler
Transformation Zone – Life Balance Wheel|Houston, TX Life and Business Coach

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I am pretty sure that almost everyone will be able to benefit from this episode, knowing that these two issues are prevalent in people’s lives. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, your stories, challenges, and techniques – share them all – we can all learn from each other when it comes to balance and boundaries.

Finally, thanks for listening to my podcast! Show your support by subscribing and providing this podcast a rating and/or review. You can find the show on iTunes, SoundcloudStitcher, GooglePlay, and Podbean. If you’ve found value in this episode, please share with your friends, family, and network. Additionally, we’re on Patreon. Sponsor us for additional resources to help you grow! For more, follow me on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

Charlene Dior: Blogger, author, podcast, investor, marketer, sister, daughter, pet mom, friend and Christian. Personal growth junkie who loves the idea that a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly! ? Grab my bestselling book From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transform the Life You Have into the Life You Love on Amazon! Available in paperback or as an ebook.