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Transform Your Life in 60 Days « Personal Growth Blog and Coaching for Black Women

Transform Your Life in 60 Days

I am so excited! I am officially opening the doors to my Transform Your Life in 60 Days Blueprint. It is going to be exciting and life changing. Pre-registration starts today so I can’t stop smiling but I’m so nervous as well. Yikes!

So what’s the deal with this Transform Your Life in 60 Days Blueprint? A lot of people are unhappy or dissatisfied with their lives but they don’t know what to do about it. They don’t know where to turn. They might even hear from friends and family how blessed they are or how they should be grateful. However, deep inside they are not living the life that aligns with who they really are.

Sometimes people are in a cycle of dysfunction and they know it! Chaos just seems to follow them around and now they’re at a point where they are ready to heal the broken areas of themselves and their life. They are ready to transform their life. Some people just need help digging deep inside themselves to figure out what they really want or who they really are. Plus. everyone I know (myself included) can use a little reprogramming of the subconscious to help get them out of their own way.

This course means a lot to me because it was created to help people do all of the above. I have jam packed it with awesome tools to aid in the transformation process. There are affirmation cards and subliminal message audios, e-workbooks, audio trainings, self-hypnosis, unlimited coaching emails. It’s crazy! But I’m so passionate about living our best lives. I’m so passionate about growing, transforming and evolving. I want to help people get there. It’s a beautiful thing.

This course is my contribution to the world. To lives transforming and being unrecognizable.

If you’re interested in the Transform Your Life in 60 Days Blueprint sign up here.

Charlene Dior: Blogger, author, podcast, investor, marketer, sister, daughter, pet mom, friend and Christian. Personal growth junkie who loves the idea that a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly! ? Grab my bestselling book From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transform the Life You Have into the Life You Love on Amazon! Available in paperback or as an ebook.