4 Ways to Coach Yourself to Success
Successful people have coaches.
I’ve heard it said that Oprah Winfrey has (or had) four coaches. I have a coach and my coach has a coach. I repeat, “Successful people have coaches.” There’s no other way around it.
I don’t know everything. Plus, I know that I bring insecurities and baggage from my past into my present. I also know that it makes no sense to be held back by things that I can change. I hate to see people staying stuck and not living their highest vision due to some aspect of their being that can be overcome. That’s why I started life coaching. That’s why I have a coach.
I have a business coach to help me take my coaching business to the next level. I need the business skills and exposure she brings to me. I need the accountability and the network of like minded people. I need the ongoing training and support.
I have a fitness coach. Now I admit, I know exactly what to do to stay healthy. The problem is I dun wanna! Lol. I’m not that girl who loves to hit the gym for hours and eat kale salads. Actually, I do love a good kale salad, but that’s besides the point. My fitness coach keeps me accountable to the vision for my health and body that I have. I made a good (financial) investment to have her work out with me every Saturday, keep track of my progress, cheer me on and send me meal plans. Sometimes (ok, ok a lot of the times) the only time I work out is Saturday mornings with her. And you know what? I’ve made great progress!

Happy dance! Happy dance!
My next coach will be a relationship coach. I’ve always been fortunate to earn a decent living and I’m very grateful for that. I thank God for my financial blessings. As a single woman desiring marriage and kids it also holds me back at times. I’ve out earned every man I’ve dated. Not that I have a problem with it or look down on these men. I just have little tolerance for other things that pop up. In my mind I’m thinking, “I’m not putting up with this. He don’t have no time AND he don’t have no money.” Lol. Don’t judge me. I know I have this thing to work out between being an financially independent woman and being a loving, supportive partner. I’m not there yet, but it’s my next stop.
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) did a study among people who had been coached. The results were extremely compelling that coaching makes a difference. 99% of respondents said they were “Satisfied” or “Very Satisfied” with the process. 96% said they would do it again.
This isn’t some smoke and mirrors, voodoo show. Coaching is valuable stuff. It changes lives, businesses, and relationships. It can change yours too.
Ok. So, you’re in. You have drunk the kool-aid. You believe in the power of coaching.
Yay! Yippee!
You want to know how you can leverage this awesome power for yourself. I got you. Here’s 4 ways you can coach yourself to success:
- Create a Daily Goals Journal – At the beginning of each day (or the night before) write down the goals you have and keep them in your mind throughout the day. At night revisit the goals taking note of what progress you made towards your goal. What did you do well? Where did you fall short? What’s your plan for improving? Overtime you’ll notice measurable progress towards your goals if you are consistent. <<Download my free Daily Goals Journal>>
- Create a Life Balance Wheel – This helps you identify areas in your life where you are unbalanced. Being unbalanced may show up as relationship problems, burnout, or just general dissatisfaction with life. Once you know where you currently stand make concentrated effort to re-balance your life. Shift your time and effort around to create a balance that you feel good about. The goal isn’t to be equal across all areas. That’s impossible. Being satisfied/content is possible and that’s the goal. Learn more about the Life Balance Wheel and download one for yourself in the Transformation Zone.
- Write your IT Statement. IT stands for Inspiring and Transformational. It’s your personal manifesto. It’s the thing that inspires you when you want to give up and leads you to your place of transformation. It is a series of statements that define who you, what you want, and where you’re going. See my IT Statement. To get you started fill in the blanks below:
- I AM _______________
- I HAVE _____________
- I WANT _____________
- I BELIEVE ___________
- I AM CAPABLE OF _____________
- I DESERVE ___________________
- Practice the RAMP method – RAMP stands for Reflect, Avoid, Move, Persist.
- You start with Reflection. I recommend journaling. Ask yourself where you are in life right now. How do you feel about that? Where would you rather be or where do you want to go next? Finish this sentence, “Wouldn’t it be great if….”
- Next you Avoid. This actually involves some reflection as well. What are some pitfalls you’ve fallen to before? What holds you back? What could hold you back? Now devise a strategy to overcome. For example, I mentioned that I have a specific vision for my health. As a result, I don’t buy snacks or sodas for my house. If I snack on something it’s because I’m not at home. I still enjoy “junk” food. I just don’t over indulge, because it’s not around. No mindless or boredom eating at my house. That’s my Avoid strategy.
- Move. With all the reflecting and strategizing it’s time to actually take action. What are you going to do? What steps will you take? Plan your work and work you plan during the Move phase.
- Persist. You’re going to want to quit. If you don’t want to quit your vision is big enough. This is the stage where your tenacity and resolve come into play. How will you persist? What’s your strategy for when the Move actions aren’t yielding results? This might include calling up an accountability partner, reading motivational material, or pulling out your IT statement. Even if you take a break, eventually you need to find your way back to the Persist stage.
- Once you’ve accomplished your goal or if you change your goal start all over again.
- << Download RAMP Worksheet >>
You can combine any of the four life coaching techniques above. They work well together and in some cases they actually build upon each other. For example, once you’ve completed the Life Balance Wheel you may want to leverage the Daily Goals Journal as you work to create balance in your life. The Life Balance Wheel and the IT Statement can be created during the Reflect phase of the RAMP Method. The Daily Goals Journal can be used during the Move phase to assess your daily movements. As mentioned previously, the IT Statement can be a source of motivation during the Persist stage.
Want more tips and techniques?
<< Download my free How to Coach Yourself to Success audio training>>
Wait, what? What did you think? “All that sounds complicated”?
Okay. Relax. I have another option for you.
Here’s my calendar. Plop some time on this beauty for us to chat. I offer a complimentary “Love Your Life” clarity call that I invite you to sign up for. Hey, you made it this far. Why not?
During this call you and I (yes, me personally) will work together to:
=> Create a crystal clear vision of your highest, grandest vision so you know exactly what you want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.
=> Uncover hidden challenges (i.e. baggage) that may be sabotaging your ability to achieve what you really want.
=> Leave you re-energized and encouraged by Life’s possibilities that await you.
=> Explore opportunities for how we can work together on an ongoing basis to help you experience the breakthrough you’ve been yearning for.
Here’s that calendar again: Your Life Clarity Session
The most important thing….
The most important thing is to take action. Whatever you do next make sure it’s not nothing. Choose one of the 4 techniques above. Choose one of the techniques I discussed on the audio training. Sign up for my one on one life coaching session, Love Your Life. Find your own coaching strategies. Find another life coach you resonate with better. Whatever. I’m cool with whatever you do next as long as you do something. Just don’t let this be an article you read on a website that soon turns into a memory. Let this moment be a new beginning for you. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t at least a little bit interested in creating some type of transformation in your life.
I tell people, “When you don’t reach for a vision you have for your life you’re missing out on a lot more than that particular vision.” Think about. When you’ve achieved something you don’t stop aspiring. You just expand your awareness of what’s possible and set your eyes on a new, bigger vision. Once you lose 3 pounds you strive to lose 3 more pounds. If you never lose the first 3 then you’ll never lose the second 3. That’s how it is with all your goals. Reach for what’s in your heart now, so that you can achieve what you’ve never even dreamed of (yet) later.
Stop leaving possibilities on the table of Life. You owe it to yourself, to your family, and to the world. Take action right now!
Additional Resources:
Frequently Asked Questions About Investing in A Life Coach
7 Powerful Stories of How Life Coaching Changes Lives
19 Life Changing Lessons From Amazing Life Coaches
26 Things Your Life Coach Would Tell You (if you had one)