July Daily Disciplines: Day 13 Check-In
Today is Day 13 of my 31 Day Challenge to be disciplined in key areas of my life. Read the background details here: Daily Discipline 31 Day Challenge.
My uncle Sidney passed away this past Saturday. I was thinking about him while I was walking my dog today. I was thinking how I wish I had one more chance to see him alive and to hug him. I was thinking how I’m looking forward to going to Kentucky this weekend to pay my final respects and lay him to rest. And then for some reason I looked up at the sky and saw a rainbow. The day he passed my mom called me crying to tell me the unfortunate news. I jumped in my car to go be with her. On my way there I saw a rainbow.
I don’t know what it means if anything but I feel a bit comforted.
Here’s my Day 13 Check-In:
Read the bible everyday – ☑ I continued in Matthew today.
Walk the dog at least once a day – ☑
Drink at least 64 ounces of water everyday – ☑
Blog once a day – ☑ Check out the blog I published earlier today titled “What Practicing Discipline Taught Me About Self Care.”
Eat healthy – ⚠️ Better than yesterday!
Exercise on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday – ☑
Participate in Church Services Sunday/Monday/Wednesday – N/A